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Capturing and Decoding AIS with Gnu Radio, Universal Radio Hacker and Gnu Octave

Gary Schafer, September 2024

I was working on a post discussing the "gain" setting on SDRs when we had a day of really nice weather. Like, picture perfect weather. I grabbed the laptop, a RTL-SDR, a simple dipole antenna, and the wife, and hightailed it to Fort Smallwood Park, just south of Baltimore. It's at the mouth of where the Patapsco River feeds into the Chesapeake Bay. It's also southeast of the now-fallen Francis Scott Key Bridge.

The reason I went to the park with laptop, SDR and antenna was to capture some AIS signals. I've been thinking of looking at these signals for some time. You might be wondering, "Why? There are tons of programs that will let you automatically demod and decode such signals." True enough. But they don't explain how it works. I intend to correct that with this post.

Reference Material

Pretty much everything in this post came from the document "M.1371 : Technical characteristics for an automatic identification system using time division multiple access in the VHF maritime mobile frequency band", available on the ITU website.

Overview of AIS

AIS or "Automatic Identification System" is a ship-based transmission system that is similar to the ADS-B system in aircraft. It's intended to keep ships from essentially running into each other. The primary broadcasts occur on two frequencies, 161.975 MHz and 162.025 MHz.

Signal Characteristics

The basics of the transmission are:

The general steps for creation of the signal are:

  1. Create the message according to the message type. A basic message will be 168 bits long.
  2. Change the bitstream from MSB to LSB. This occurs on a byte (8 bit) boundary.
  3. Calculate the FCS and append it to the data field.
  4. Perform bit stuffing on the waveform. This ensures that no part of the data field will have any runs of 1s that will cause the receiver to mistake it for either the start or end flags.
  5. Append the preamble, start flag and end flag.
  6. Encode with NRZ-S.
  7. Filter and modulate onto the carrier with 2FSK.

Collecting the Signals

I used my laptop, SDR and antenna setup on a picnic table at the park. Again, this was just southeast of Baltimore and is right at the intersection of the Patapsco River and the Chesapeake Bay.

Google Earth macro view of the location of Fort Smallwood Park, just southeast of Baltimore and very close to several port areas. The bridge near the center, left of the image is the now-fallen Francis Scott Key Bridge. (Image credit: Google Earth)
Zoomed-in view on Google Earth of Fort Smallwood Park. I've annotated the two places I setup my SDR to collect AIS signals. (Image credit: Google Earth)
Laptop, RTL-SDR and small, dipole antenna setup on a table at Fort Smallwood Park. The RTL-SDR is a Nooelec Smar-Tee. Note that the antenna is not setup the way I should have done it. I should have had it as a simple, vertical dipole. Unfortunately, the small tripod would tip over when I tried to set it up that way.
Laptop, RTL-SDR and small, dipole antenna setup on a table at Fort Smallwood Park. This was a bit closer to the Patapsco River, which you can see in the background. The Port of Baltimore would be to the left in this picture.

For the collection, I used a simple Gnu Radio Companion flowgraph that captured raw IQ samples. I didn't want to process onsite. I wanted to collect now, process later. To that end, I used the flowgraph shown below.

Gnu Radio Companion flowgraph used to collect the IQ samples from AIS signals. The RTL-SDR was centered at 162.5 MHz, which is a frequency used by NOAA weather radio service. Then I used a complex frequency shift (the Signal Source block combined with the Multiply block) to shift the center of the two, primary AIS signals to the center of the collection. The shifted output was filtered to 200 kHz bandwidth (which also allowed for the sample rate to be reduced), then input to the IQ file (the File Sink block).

Processing the Signals

There were three steps to processing the signals. The first was to filter the signals to just one channel. I used another Gnu Radio Companion flowgraph to do this. The second step was to use Universal Radio Hacker to demodulate and strip off the NRZ-S encoding. The last step was to use Gnu Octave to decode the bitstream.

Filtering with Gnu Radio Companion

I created another Gnu Radio Companion flowgraph to process the raw IQ captured at Fort Smallwood Park to create two files, one each for the two, primary RF channels used by AIS. One was for 161.975 MHz. The other was for 162.025 MHz. Note that I didn't use a Gaussian filter; rather just a simple windowed-sinc filter set to 12 kHz of bandwidth. The output sample rate was reduced to 48 kHz, and saved to another file.

Gnu Radio Companion flowgraph for processing the raw IQ data captured at Fort Smallwood Park. This flowgraph allows for the creation of files of IQ samples consisting of one of the AIS channels. The two created here were the 161.975 MHz and 162.025 MHz channels. The flowgraph again uses a complex frequency shift (Signal Source block combined with the Multiply block) to center the desired channel. The filter eliminates other signals and noise, reduces the sample rate and forwards the samples to a file block. While I realize I should have used a Gaussian filter (rather than a windowed-sinc filter), I didn't want to play around with the various values needed to achieve the best results.) The final sample rate is 48 kHz.

Demodulating with Universal Radio Hacker

I used Universal Radio Hacker to demodulate the signal, remove the DC offset, then strip off the NRZ-S line encoding. I loaded the IQ file (consisting of complex 32-bit floating point samples at 48 kHz sample rate). I selected one of the stronger signals using the "Analog" signal view. The demodulation and removal of the DC bias was straightforward. I set the modulation to FSK, the number samples / symbol to 5 (48000 / 9600), and the error tolerance to 1. Using the "Demodulated" signal view, I adjusted the DC bias.

Filtered AIS signal imported into Universal Radio Hacker. The pulses can be clearly seen. I used the higher amplitude ones for further investigation.
Universal Radio Hacker in the "Analog" signal view. This is zoomed into one of the bursts.
Universal Radio Hacker showing "Demodulated" signal view. This is with a FSK demodulation, and with the DC offset set to the center of the signal.

We need to talk about the demodulation for a moment. There are two aspects to this, and they are related. First, the modulation is not just FSK, but MSK, where the "M" means "minimum". This term refers to the fact that the deviation is the minimum required for the two tones (the upper frequency and lower frequency created by the frequency shift) to be "coherently orthogonal". (NOTE: That last bit comes from "Principles of Communications: Systems, Modulation and Noise", R.E. Ziemer & W.H. Tranter, Houghton-Mifflin, 1985). What this means is that it can also be demodulated similar to QPSK or OQPSK. URH doesn't provide a means to demodulate it this latter way (at least, not that I've found). Which means we have to use the FSK demodulator. This leads to the second issue. The signal is "Gaussian" filtered. A filtered FSK signal will have demodulated amplitudes that do not go all the way to their maximums or minimums. Look at the image above showing the demodulated waveform. The peaks do not reach their maximums or minimums when it is alternating "101" or "010". Frequency demodulating this type of waveform means that the DC offset has to be carefully managed; otherwise, bit errors occur. URH doesn't have a way to manage this on a burst-by-burst basis. So, I had to adjust the DC offset for each burst individually. Further, if you look at the code for any of the AIS programs, you'll most likely see a function, section or routine that tries to minimize the DC bias in the signal.

Overview of NRZ-S Encoding

So, after applying the FSK demodulator, this gets me to the raw bitstream. However, according to the specification:

The NRZI waveform is used for data encoding. The waveform is specified as giving a change in the level when a zero (0) is encountered in the bit stream.

Here's what that means. The concept of "bits" is an abstraction. Hardware doesn't know what a "bit" is. It only knows voltages and currents. A basic bitstream shows "bits" as an absolute amplitude, typically with a "1" as a high amplitude and a "0" as a low amplitude. This type of encoding is called "non-return to zero - level" or "NRZ-L".

An adaptation of this is to perform differential encoding. A differential encoding means that, rather than looking at the absolute levels, the critical part is the transitions, meaning when the bitstream transitions from a high amplitude to a low amplitude, or a low amplitude to a high amplitude. This leads to a version called "NRZ-M" or "non-return to zero - mark". This means that a "1" (1 = mark) is represented by a transition, while a "0" means no transition. The opposite version is "NRZ-S" or "non-return to zero - space". This means a "0" is represented by a transition, while a "1" is no transition.

This is a comparison of NRZ-L (non-return to zero - level, top graph) with NRZ-M (non-return to zero - mark, middle graph) and NRZ-S (non-return to zero - space, bottom graph). Note that when the NRZ-L is at a high amplitude (a "1"), the NRZ-M will transition between high and low amplitudes. When the NRZ-L is at a low amplitude, the NRZ-S will transition.

But the standard says (literally) "NRZI". This means "non-return to zero - inverted". (NOTE: In Universal Radio Hacker, there's an option called "Non Return to Zero + Inverted". This is NOT the same as "NRZI".) What's NRZI, then? That's just a general way of saying "differential", but it doesn't say what a transition means (1 or 0). That's why the standard has to state which bit is sent in a transition. In this case, a "0" (zero). This means it is "non-return to zero - space"."

Which leads to a problem. Universal Radio Hacker doesn't have a setting for "NRZI" or "NRZ-S". Fortunately, it has the means to make it.

Making a NRZ-S Decoder in URH

From the "Analysis" window, the default "Decoding" is "Non Return to Zero (NRZ)", which is another way of saying "non return to zero - level". This means that, based on the amplitudes of the demodulated waveform, a high amplitude is a "1" and a low amplitude is a "0". Clicking on the "Decoding" option of "Non Return to Zero (NRZ)", it opens a dropdown menu. I selected the bottom option, the ellipsis (three periods in a row). This opens the "Decoding" window.

Universal Radio Hacker "Analysis" window showing the raw bitstream. The "Analysis" window defaults to a NRZ-L decoding, meaning that a high amplitude in the "Demodulated" view is decoded as a "1", while a low amplitude is decoded as a "0".
Universal Radio Hacker "Decoding" window. This allows for the creation of different decoding options than those that come with URH.

The NRZ-S is a differential encoding. We can apply this decoding by clicking-and-dragging the "Differential" option to the "Your Decoding" window. With "Differential", URH treats a transition (meaning a "01" or "10" combination in the raw bitstream) as a "1", while no transition ("00" or "11" in the original bitstream) as a "0". This would be a "NRZ-M" decoding. But this can be changed to a NRZ-S by then applying a "Invert" to the list. This means click-and-drag the "Invert" option to the "Your Decoding" List.

Finally, you can save this list of options by clicking on the "Save" button at the top of the window. I named it as "NRZ-S".

URH "Decoding" window showing the list for the "NRZ-S" decoder.

Closing the "Decoding" window, it's now possible to select the "NRZ-S" decoding option. This now makes it possible to see the preamble (the "01" bit sequence repeated 12 times) as well as the start flag (bit sequence "01111110").

The "Analysis" window with the newly-created "NRZ-S" option selected. The bitstream has now had the "NRZI" encoding (as stated in the specification) stripped off. The preamble (the "01" cycle repeated 12 times) is now visible near the beginning of the bitstream, followed by the "start flag" (bit sequence "01111110").

Processing with Gnu Octave

At this point, I needed to program. If you haven't heard me say it before, I'll say it again: I'm a lousy programmer. In this case, my programming method of choice is Gnu Octave. I copied all of the bits between the start and end flags to a simple text file. I used the text editor to create the Gnu Octave script.

rawBits="00010010000010100001010 10110001000011011000000001000000 00101011100111000101111101100111 00011001100110111011010010001100 11111011010010111110101001100111 10110000000001100000100010001101 0101";

Bit Unstuffing

As I mentioned above, there's a "Start Flag". That consists of the bit sequence "01111110" (or 0x7e in hex). That tells the system "What comes after this is data." The data goes til it finds another bit sequence "01111110". This is the "End Flag". Everything in between is data. But this leads to a problem. What if this very string (01111110) is in the data? To prevent this, the transmitter does something called "bit stuffing". If it finds the sequence "011111", it adds a 0 right after, so the output bit sequence will be 0111110. Now the maximum run of 1s will be five within the data itself. The flags are now preserved as the only 6 1s in a row. But this messes with the data. The receiver has to remove these added 0s before reading the data.

Here's how I approached the problem of trying to find where bit stuffing occurred. Since the transmitter adds a 0 after a run of 5 1s, it makes sense to remove any 0s after 5 1s. I decided to use a basic correlation. The easiest way I found to do correlation was using a convolution. These two things are related. A convolution is a correlation with one of the signals reversed in time. But if the signal is the same whether its reversed or not, it doesn't really matter. ANYWAY, I used the sequence "0111110" for my search. The code was this:

% Take the string of 1s and 0s and convert them to numbers for ii=1:length(rawBits); numBits(ii)=str2num(rawBits(ii)); endfor % Remove zero stuffing. AIS uses modified HDLC which starts % and ends with a 01111110 (0x7e). To ensure that the data % does not accidentally display 6 1s in a row, it adds a 0 % (zero stuffing) after every 5 consecutive 1s. On the % receive side, these have to be removed. % % This part of the script uses a pattern of 5 1s and a 0 to % correlate where such string of 1s occur. It then uses their % positions within the number array to remove the 0s % immediately following the string of 1s. % Convolve the bitstream with the array 0111110. This is the % same as correlating with 0111110. peakBits=conv(numBits,[0 1 1 1 1 1 0]); % This line correlates % 5 1's to find peaks. % This for loop counts up consecutive 1s. If it gets to 5, % it adds that position to the vector of zero stuffed positions. k=0; for (ii=1:length(peakBits)) if(peakBits(ii)==5) % Did it count to 5? If yes, then... k=k+1; % Add to the counter peak(k)=ii; % Add the position to the vector endif endfor % This for loop goes through the bitstream. When it comes to % the position of a stuffed zero (determined from the previous % for loop), it skips the zero that comes after, effectively % removing it. peak(k+1)=length(numBits)+1; k=1; % counter for the vector of peak positions c=1; % Counter for the output bitstream for (ii=1:length(numBits)) if (peak(k)==ii) % If the counter comes to one of the % stuffed zero positions, skip adding % the zero to the output bitstream k=k+1; % Go to the next zero stuffed position else procBits(c)=numBits(ii); % If not at a zero stuffed % position, add the current % bit to the output bitstream c=c+1; % Increment the counter for the output bitstream endif endfor

Running the script gave me an array (named peakBits in the script above) in which any value of "5" meant that it found where bit stuffing had occurred.

Graph of the "peakBits" variable used to store the convolution (correlation) of the original bitstream with the bit sequence "0111110". Where this graph goes to "5" is where bit stuffing took place. The extra 0s have to be removed before further processing takes place.

Calculate the CRC Checksum

At this point, I'd love to talk about how I figured out the CRC-CCITT checksum that AIS uses. BUT, despite almost a week of attempts, I've yet to figure out how to make it actually work. I realize this is a problem on my end, but I'm frustrated because it doesn't seem like that difficult of a problem.


Convert LSB to MSB

Assuming that the data field passes the CRC, the AIS specification calls for the bitstream to be converted from LSB to MSB.

% This for loop converts the numeric bits back to a string, % which will be easier for calculating the message fields. tempBits=""; for (ii=1:length(procBits)) tempBits=[tempBits num2str(procBits(ii))]; endfor % The next for loop reverses the bit order within each byte. % AIS transmits each byte as LSB, but processes based on MSB. % This converts the LSB -> MSB. bits=""; for (ii=1:numPad) k=(ii-1)*8; bits=[bits fliplr(tempBits((k+1):(k+8)))]; endfor

Reading the Data

Finally, FINALLY, we're at a point where we can actually, for-real, honest-to-your-deity-of-choice read the actual data. To do this, I read the data out based on the specification. For the code below, I only added code to read message types 1,2 3 and 18. NOTE: I was just trying to understand how to get to this point, not actually write a program to handle everything..

The data values are either unsigned integers (MMSI, speed over ground (SOG), course over ground (COG), etc) or twos complement (latitude and longitude).

% Decode the portions of the message % Message bits are encoded either as: % - unsigned integers: for numbers that are only positive % - 2s complement: for numbers that are positive or negative. % The first two fields read (Msg ID and MMSI) are the same for every % message. After that, the message number determines how to read % each field. msgId=bin2dec(bits(1:6)) % Message ID is first 6 bits (1 - 6) mmsi=bin2dec(bits(9:38)) % MMSI is bits 9 - 38. switch (msgId) case {1,2,3} posAcc=str2num(bits(61)) mapLon=bin2dec(bits(63:89)); mapLon=mapLon-(2^27*str2num(bits(62))); mapLon=mapLon/600000 mapLat=bin2dec(bits(91:116)); mapLat=mapLat-((2^26)*(str2num(bits(90)))); mapLat=mapLat/600000 navStat=bin2dec(bits(39:42)) sog=bin2dec(bits(51:60))/10 cog=bin2dec(bits(117:128))/10 rotTurn=bin2dec(bits(44:50)); rotTurn=rotTurn-(2^7*str2num(bits(43))); if (rotTurn==-128) rotTurn="N/A" else rotTurn endif trueHead=bin2dec(bits(129:137)); if (trueHead==511) trueHead="N/A" else trueHead endif timeStamp=bin2dec(bits(138:143)) case 18 mapLon=bin2dec(bits(59:85)); mapLon=mapLon-(2^27*str2num(bits(58))); mapLon=mapLon/600000 mapLat=bin2dec(bits(87:112)); mapLat=mapLat-((2^26)*(str2num(bits(86)))); mapLat=mapLat/600000 endswitch

Running this for a data burst containing message type #1, I got the following:

msgId = 1 mmsi = 367165450 posAcc = 1 mapLon = -76.42102666666666 mapLat = 39.17403333333333 navStat = 0 sog = 6.900000000000000 cog = 110 rotTurn = 0 trueHead = 114 timeStamp = 24

That was a good decode! The critical part to me was the latitude and longitude. Those points were right off of Fort Smallwood Park in the Chesapeake Bay. Further, the other numbers made sense. So, it worked!


There you have it. In order to demodulate and decode a AIS signal, you perform the following steps:

  1. Capture the signals, with the primary frequencies being at 161.975 MHz and 162.025 MHz.
  2. Filter and isolate the bursts.
  3. Frequency demodulate the burst.
  4. Minimize the DC offset to the greatest extent possible.
  5. Convert the amplitudes to a NRZ-L waveform.
  6. Apply a NRZ-S decoder.
  7. Remove the bit stuffing.
  8. Perform the CRC. NOTE: According to the specification, actual systems have to simply drop the packet if it does not pass the CRC.
  9. Convert from LSB to MSB.
  10. Read the data based on the message type.

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