Sorry, Adafruit. My Bad
I bought a 20x4 LCD from Adafruit the other day. It arrived three nights ago. I plugged it into a circuit that I've used on several occasions to power a 16x2 LCD. Well, when I plugged this LCD into the circuit, I discovered that the third row would only show the top-half of the pixels. Yes, I was annoyed.
Then, when I contacted Adafruit to tell them I had a defective product, I got even more annoyed. Here's why. I assumed that I would have to send the LCD back. I tell them "defective part", they give me an RMA (return merchandise authorization?), I send it back, and they send me a new one. Pretty straightforward. I've had to do this with several items I've ordered over the Internet. The product arrives, it's broken or defective, then I have to take the time to re-pack and then pay to send it back. Typically, the cost of sending it back is much less than buying a new one. It's also the risk I assume when I buy stuff from far away and have it shipped to my house.
So, with my assumption that I had to send it back, I was a bit... miffed... when I sent my e-mail requesting instructions on returning the LCD, and they responded that I had to post my problem on their tech forum. WTF?!?! The LCD is defective. How hard is this to understand? You'll find it out for yourself when I return it. Just let me exchange this for a working unit. C'mon!
I posted a short, curt message on the Adafruit forum. The response was also brief, and perhaps curt.
Could you post clear, detailed pictures of your board and the connections to it?
By now, I've almost got steam coming out of my ears. I have a defective LCD! Just let me exchange it! Still, I took some pics showing the defective LCD, then posted them on the forum.
This morning, I saw another post on the forum stating,
Looks defective to me. Email with a link to this thread for a replacement display.
That's when it hit me. My initial assumption was wrong. Adafruit is not expecting me to send the defective LCD back; they're simply going to send me a working unit. No need for any more of my time. No need for me to pack and ship this thing back. They simply wanted confirmation that I did, indeed, have a defective display because they now knew I wasn't simply trying to get free stuff out of them.
Yeah, I felt like a dick. And an idiotic one, at that.
So, Adafruit, if you sensed annoyance on my part during our exchanges, that's because I can be a flaming asshole when I don't understand things. I didn't understand how this exchange was going to be. Sorry about that.